Pinel law

A Pinel rental investment in principle offers various privileges that you can take full advantage of. You just need to prepare your project well to avoid oversights and negligence. It is better to inform yourself about the famous advantages for your investment. In this way, you will be able to take full advantage of your rental property.

The Pinel law offers a tax reduction

The first advantage of a rental investment with the Pinel law concerns the possibility of tax exemption. The device makes it possible to lower your taxes throughout the duration of the rental. It is quite possible to carry out an online simulation to have more precision on the possible reductions.

You will also find it easier to orient yourself for your project. A tax reduction of 12% of the price of the property is for example possible for a rental of 6 years. This can reach up to 18% for a 9-year investment.

The reduction can be up to 21% for a 12-year lease. In any case, a ceiling of €300,000 must be respected for the purchase of housing each year. You can get 2 buildings per year according to your plan.

The Pinel law to build up your assets

A rental investment with the device also makes it possible to build up a heritage for years. You can take advantage of this to prepare for your retirement. It is enough not to exceed the limit imposed for the amount of purchase of housing each year.

You will be able to enjoy better rental income every year. The law allows you to set the rents you want once the 6, 9 or 12 years of rental are over. You will then be able to take full advantage of the investment. You are also free to resell the property if you wish.

There is a good chance of becoming an owner even without contribution with a Pinel investment. It suffices to respect the conditions imposed by the device to benefit from such an advantage.

The Pinel law also offers attractive properties

Do not neglect the quality of the property you are going to buy and rent with the device. You will be able to quickly recoup the initial investment you make. This is in particular due to the fact that tenants were jostling to obtain your accommodation. They will indeed be interested in the following different conditions:

The Pinel law can apply in municipalities where the demand for housing is increasing sharply

The occupants will live in a new or completely renovated dwelling

They will finally be able to enjoy lower rents than in other cities. This difference can vary between 10 and 20%

On your side, you can protect yourself against unpaid rents as well as the absence of tenants. All you need to do is choose the right coverage with your insurance company.

The Pinel law allows housing to be rented to the family

The last advantage to enjoy is the possibility of renting accommodation to a member of your family. You will only have to determine that it is not part of your tax household. For example, you can offer the building to one of your children if you wish. In this way, you will help him begin a new phase in his life.

It is also possible to offer accommodation to relatives if this is what suits you best. The other conditions to be respected are the same as for the other categories of tenants.

Remember to find out about the conditions for managing a rental to a family member. In this way, you will avoid doing anything at the risk of ruining your chances of Pinel tax exemption.

By admin

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